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ask me to read your fate. be prepared to tell me your secrets, but worry not for your secrets will only be known by you, me, and the wind.

tell me your situation, and my tarot cards will reveal to me the guidance you need to move forward. you can ask about anything, from relationships to career goals to personal growth, but there are also many things i will not be able to answer. confer with this article if you are not sure if your question applies, but as a general rule, i will not give you any concrete numbers, dates, a yes or no (unless you really want me to) and would prefer you to open your senses to the different and complicated perspectives of your unique position.

in your request for my service, giving me more information about your circumstances will almost always yield a better reading. tarot reading is not “fortune telling” and i am not a psychic - letting me see every aspect of your situation will help me see even more perspectives and opinions, which will benefit you as well. tell me about the important people in your story, your current feelings, your possible options, your goals, etc. in return, the cards will then weave me a story of the when, why, how, and what nows. lastly, be sure to end your request with a question - the more open ended the better, and then we will begin.

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tier 1: single card - $7

this is the simplest one - for when you want a quick opinion or answer. you are on the crossroads of a decision, and need to know whether to take the left or right path. this single card will likely push you in one direction or the other. or, you find yourself in an open field, scared to take the first step in any direction and would like a gentle arm to take you to start your journey.

if you are feeling a little apprehensive, just dip your toes into this tier and it will give you a taste of how the cards work.

300-450 words

tier 2: triple card spread - $15

this is for the more conflicted - a problem has arose in your life and you need some guidance to navigate it. you need a little more insight to see the different forces at work in your situation, and this is the spread that can put things more into perspective.

in this spread, each card is assigned a meaning:

  • past/present/future

  • situation/problem/action

  • you/them/together

  • option a/option b/how to decide

you can choose which spread you prefer, otherwise i would choose one for you that is most fitting with your unique situation.

700-900 words

tier 3: celtic cross spread, ten cards - $30

for the extremely troubled - this spread will go in depth with your past, environment, and other influences. this will tell you a whole complete story about your predicament and many ways we can approach your dilemmas. do be prepared to tell me your whole story as well, as the picture we paint together will not be as complete without your outlines. this spread might take a bit longer however, as i want to ensure i can interpret the cards to the fullest extent.

2,000-2,500 words


have any other specific needs? want a daily card for a week? have a unique problem you would like to deal with? let me know, and we can work something out.

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i take venmo or paypal. once i receive your request, i will read your cards within 3 days, though tier 3 might take up to 5 days. if i have another engagement to attend, i will let you know asap, along with the expected date of delivery. when i am finished, then i will ask for payment and once received, i will bestow upon you a .pdf file with the cards and my readings.